Feed your genes

A menu that promotes health, healing, disease prevention

In mid-January, Sodexo at Sharp HealthCare will launch Nourish, a new menu platform designed to promote health and longevity. Nourish is a unique menu (for patients, visitors, and employees) that incorporates the advances in nutrigenomics to promote health, healing, and disease prevention.

Guided by genomic physicians, Sharp’s team of dietitians and culinary experts have developed and tested recipes rich in bio-actives and nutrient-dense ingredients to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. Nourish uses the evidence-based science of nutrigenomics for the foods, food ingredients, and cooking techniques incorporated in their menu. It’s a public health approach, versus an individualized approach. 

The menu is based on the study of foods promoting health and longevity in the “blue zones.” When closely examined, the blue zone diets are nutrient-dense, bioactive-rich, and diverse in whole foods that promote evidenced-based nutrigenomic strategies to prevent and/or treat chronic disease. The Nourish approach is to feed your genes and nourish your body.

To learn more about Sodexo at Sharp HealthCare’s health, wellness and sustainability achievements, view Sodexo's PowerPoint presentation.