Wyandotte Hospital Serving Antibiotic-free Poultry to Curb Threat of Antibiotic Resistance

[News-Herald] More and more people are concerned about antibiotic resistance, and there appears to be reason for that concern.

Henry Ford Health System is taking on antibiotic resistance, also known as “superbugs,” that claim roughly 23,000 lives and sicken 2 million people each year.

The new poultry is being phased in at Henry Ford’s five hospitals and cafeterias. Patients and employees at Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital and One Ford Place in Detroit were the first to be served antibiotic free chicken earlier this spring.

More than 100,000 patients were admitted to Henry Ford hospitals in 2015, and Henry Ford employs 24,600 people, feeding many of them in its cafeteria each day. Thousands of visitors and guest also eat Henry Ford prepared meals.

“This has the potential to bring health benefits not only to the many individuals we feed daily, all year long, but it is, we hope, a big step in lessening the greater public health threat that comes from the overuse of antibiotics in food animals,” said John Miller, director of Culinary Wellness for Henry Ford...(Continue reading).