Opportunities to honor leaders at CleanMed Nasvhille


Every year, Practice Greenhealth and Health Care Without Harm honor innovative people and projects at CleanMed, the premier national conference for leaders in health care sustainability.

Apply or nominate a colleague or health system today to help get the recognition they deserve.


The Visionary Leader Award is given to a senior-level health care executive with extraordinary vision who has made significant contributions to health care sustainability through groundbreaking strategies and mentorship.
Deadline: Feb. 15

The Climate and Health Innovation Award recognizes a hospital or health system for innovative work that addresses the health impacts of climate change.
Deadline: Feb. 15

Conference scholarships

These awards include free CleanMed registration and accommodations at the conference hotel.

The new Emerging Physician Leader Award recognizes a medical student, resident, or fellow who has demonstrated a passion for sustainable health care and a commitment to environmental leadership. The recipient will also receive a travel stipend.
Deadline: Feb. 1

The Charlotte Brody Award honors a nurse who goes beyond everyday nursing endeavors to proactively promote and protect environmental health.
Deadline: Feb. 15

The Stephanie Davis Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention Award is given to health care champions innovating on waste reduction and pollution prevention. The honoree will also receive a travel stipend.
Deadline: Feb. 15

Plan now to join health care innovators at CleanMed May 7-9 in Nashville.

Mark yourself as "interested" or "going" on the Facebook event page to get all the latest news, updates, and announcements.