local food

Purchasing Directly from a Community Farming Cooperative - GROWN Locally

  • Document Type: PDF
  • Language: English
GROWN Locally has been growing and selling fresh, locally raised products directly to area hospitals since 1999. They also process and distribute their products and continually seek feedback from institutions on ways to make it easier to buy local food. Read more about GROWN Locally's success in this case study.

Incorporating Locally and Sustainably Produced Foods into Food Services - Good Shepherd Healthcare

  • Document Type: PDF
  • Language: English
Good Shepherd Healthcare is a 49-bed hospital in the rural eastern Oregon community of Hermiston. In 2005, the hospital took the position that sustainably produced foods were healthier for its patients and community, so it overhauled its food service system for both patient and cafeteria meals to reflect that position. The changes included sourcing locally and sustainably produced foods, eliminating processed foods in favor of fresh ingredients, and switching to room service-style patient meals in place of set meal times.

The Food and Climate Connection in Health Care Food Service

  • Document Type: PDF
  • Language: English
This document provides an overview on the impact of climate change on health and agriculture and how health care food service can work to reduce its climate footprint. A climate change framework to health care food service provides an entry for a comprehensive preventive health agenda.
  • Document Type: PDF
  • Language: English
