Making Antibiotic Resistance Real Through Storytelling: Clinicians

This is a guide for clinicians to drive action on antibiotic resistance using their personal experience.

As clinicians, you see firsthand the effects of antibiotic resistance on your patients and public health. Not only are you in a position to prevent detrimental outcomes, but polls show that doctors are among the most trusted professions. Your experiences and insight can illustrate the problem in a compelling way that leads to action.

Last year Dr. Scott Weissman, a member of the Clinician Comprehensive Antibiotic Stewardship (CCCAS) Collaborative, testified to Congress about his battle with a nearly untreatable infection that presented in one of his patients. His testimony is an example of how stories can change minds and policy. Health Care Without Harm and the CCCAS Collaborative are helping clinicians tell their stories to motivate transformative policy change.

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